After the success of the West Wales Webtool, Habitat Info were asked to create a similar web app for…
Habitat Info have been contracted to develop and maintain a new web tool for biodiversity reporting…
Habitat Info accessed biodiversity information from West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre and h…
WWBIC expand their highly successful land use planning tool ( a flexviewer web app developed by Habi…
Based on the uptake and success of the Castlemartin land-use planning tool, WWBIC asked Habitat Info…
The Institute for Development Studies contracted Habitat Info to access relevant environmental and s…
Habitat Info develop a flexviewer application for West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre which e…
The National Trust and other Pembrokeshire agencies have funded this project to develop a web-based…
Phase 1: Overseeing and research for pilot development indicators of rural remoteness in Columbia, T…