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African Raptor Databank.  2019.
A secure, live data observatory for the distribution and movements of African raptors .
Habitat Info Ltd, Solva, UK.
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NameScientific Name Download
Eurasian BuzzardButeo buteo Download
Steppe BuzzardButeo buteo vulpinusDownload
Mountain BuzzardButeo oreophilus oreophilusDownload
Forest BuzzardButeo oreophilus trizonatusDownload
Madagascar Buzzard Buteo brachypterusDownload
Long-Legged BuzzardButeo rufinusDownload
Socotra BuzzardButeo socotraensisDownload
Rough-legged BuzzardButeo lagopusDownload
Jackal BuzzardButeo rufofuscusDownload
Augur BuzzardButeo augurDownload
Archer’s BuzzardButeo augur archeriDownload
Red-necked Buzzard Buteo auguralis Download
Grasshopper BuzzardButastur rufipennisDownload
European Honey-BuzzardPernis apivorousDownload
Oriental Honey-Buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncusDownload
Lizard Buzzard Kaupifalco monogrammicus Download