habitat INFO worked closely with the client, BirdLife International, to develop a bespoke web mapping tool. The project area covered the Red Sea and Rift Valley flyway; an important corridor through the Middle East and North-East Africa for migratory soaring birds on their journeys…
A private individual contacted habitat INFO concerning a planned single wind turbine installation in the Trelessy area of South Pembrokeshire. habitat INFO constructed a map that displayed the proximity of the SPA and also the expected visual impact of the turbine using 3D…
**NEW** View the SeaTrust in the Field video produced by habitat INFO demonstrating SeaTrust’s use of mobile GIS solutions. habitat INFO were approached by West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre (WWBIC) on behalf of SeaTrust, a registered charity recording Cetacean sightings between Pembrokeshire and Ireland….
**NEW** Download the introuductory getting started guide to the ARDB. **NEW** Download the ARDB project overview document. The ARDB aims to ascertain the conservation status of raptors and their habitats across Africa, and to help build the local expertise needed to monitor these indicator…